AI Icebreaker Workshop
The starting point for your digital transformation
Ready for the AI era?
Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the working environment like no other technology before.
Whether it's facial and object recognition, voice assistance systems, live translators, autonomous driving etc. AI is already having a significant impact on our daily life.
But how far have analytics and chat/voice assistants really come in the meantime? And how can these capabilities provide meaningful support in sales & marketing, buying and production to logistics and customer service?
We're going to find out together.
In our workshop, we'll not only answer these questions but will also go through the variety and possibilities of AI application fields together with you. Learn how you can turn data into insights, reduce costs and increase your performance.
Our promise: After having attended our AI icebreaker workshop, you'll inspire your customers with more tailored communication, faster processes, and smarter services.
Do you have questions?
Holger Hornik
Bereichsleiter Artificial Intelligence & Digitale Assistenzsysteme
Understanding AI
Discover fields of application of AI
Identify AI use cases
Use AI
AI meets creativity
Not conventional consulting - real collaboration! A workshop that is really fun and entertaining. Everyone is welcome – from AI novice to professional, irrespective of their area levels.
Together we will find your first AI use cases in only a couple of hours. Our proven design thinking method and the exchange of ideas, knowledge and different perspectives help you to drive your digital transformation.
Laying the foundation with the AI icebreaker
With the AI icebreaker, we are laying the foundation to accelerate your digital transformation. The AI icebreaker workshop supports you in developing innovative ideas and provides you with the experts, processes and technologies that you need to quickly turn these ideas into business benefits.
msg brings artificial intelligence to life.
By developing concrete application examples and use cases, the workshop promotes employee enthusiasm for the use of AI technologies. The documentation of results by msg provides your company a structured assessment of the use cases and serves as the basis for further approaches such as a prototype implementation.
The workshop is suitable for strategy development, information, and orientation at management level or to qualify and build the confidence of employees. For everyone who is interested in AI technologies and wants to learn more, whether AI novices or professionals.
Discover the potential of AI in one day
- Presentation of participants
- Introduction: What can AI do and what can't it do? Forecasts, outlook, opportunities, possibilities and limitations.
- Analysis of your as-is situation: The focus is on your challenges and goals.
What boosts you, what stands in your way? Where do you want to be? How can your company benefit from AI? Together, we answer all of these (and, of course, other) questions in a clear way that is not only fun but really gives every participant the chance to have a say.
- Best practices: Get inspired by a wide variety of real-work use cases. Together, we'll discover possible benefit scenarios for your company.
- Hot topics: Of course, we also take a closer look at ChatGPT & co.
- Tangible AI use cases: At the end of each workshop you get, besides initial implementable AI use cases, all documentation and further recommendations as well as evaluations.
- Ready for AI: You have received a comprehensive introduction into the topic of AI and really know exactly how and where to use AI technologies in your company.
Use of AI scenarios
Icebreaker Feedback
Severin Gumz - Field Service Engineer, Körber Pharma Inspection
"Eine absolute Empfehlung für alle auf dem KI-Weg. Uns hat der KI-Icebreaker-Workshop bei der Zieldefinition und Abwägung technischer Möglichkeiten und Hürden sehr geholfen. Die gute Struktur und der offene Teamumgang sorgten dabei für eine besonders angenehme Atmosphäre."
Sophie Lauber - Senior Expertin für Prozessoptimierung und -automatisierung, Bank Partner
"Beim KI-Icebreaker-Workshop haben wir - bildlich gesprochen - einmal die große Legokiste ausgeleert und gemeinsam mit Kolleg:innen aus den unterschiedlichsten Bereichen aus vielen bunten Steinchen die verschiedensten KI-Use-Cases gebaut. Es ist unglaublich, wie viele kreative und vielversprechende Ideen in nur wenigen Workshop-Stunden dadurch hervorgekitzelt werden konnten.“
Tobias Braun - Projektleiter, active avis
"Der KI-Icebreaker-Workshop hat uns geholfen den richtigen Use Case zu finden und somit die Kommunikation rund um die Sendungsavisierung zu automatisieren, was unsere Kundschaft zufriedener und unsere Disposition deutlich effizienter macht."
We provide answers for innovative companies. Arrange a free meeting with our AI experts now.