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Demographic change, the establishment of new technologies or patient-centric medical care - the healthcare system is undergoing a major transformation process. This is being accelerated not least by the Corona crisis. The Electronic Patient Record (ePR) and the possibility of getting the first digital healthcare applications (DIGA) prescribed are examples of this development.

To successfully implement the digitalization of the healthcare system, all stakeholders must be willing to connect. Our goal is to integrate innovative technologies into the value chain, to develop new business models with and for our customers and to provide customer-centric offerings. We help you to actively shape the challenges of the first and second healthcare markets. Healthcare from the patient's perspective. With a focus on secure and dynamic networking. With a keen eye on the opportunities and requirements of the stakeholders.

Do you have any questions?

Sebastian Mause

Geschäftsbereichsleiter Healthcare

Platform Experience for the Healthcare Market

When establishing healthcare platforms, we combine our many years of agile project experience with our comprehensive market knowledge. We have gained the experience necessary for networking players of the first and second healthcare market through our long-term projects. Besides the challenges for a successful platform strategy, orchestration in the healthcare ecosystem is another key task. These include:


  • Technical option for networking with other players
  • Services for connecting customers to the respective platform
  • Efficient creation, provision and operation of own services


msg: Expertise in the Healthcare Sector

Thanks to our long-term, reliable partnership with central players in the healthcare sector, we have a resilient and reliable market position.

More than 70 statutory health insurance companies are customers of the msg group.

Gained in on-site projects at customer sites and through the expertise of our social insurance specialists, we have comprehensive knowledge of the business processes and organizational structures.

We have knowledge of and expertise in all technical solutions - industry software, ecosystems and platforms and peripheral systems.

We cover the entire value chain in the business model.

We have successful reference projects within the area of digitization and input management.

Our references



DAK Gesundheit Logo

Application development support

AOK Systems Logo

Marketplace of Health 'yuble'

AOK Nordost

Customer Portal and Omnichannel Desktop

AOK NordWest Logo

Funding Project for Digitalizing the Maternity Record - madita

BG Phoenics Logo

Maintenance and Modernization of a Core System

IKK Classic Logo


Your advantages:

Always up to date

For this, msg uses proven components (Open Source and commercial), standards (e.g., HL7, CDA, FHIR) and solutions (e.g., ePR, e-prescription) that are established in the ecosystem.

Always trustworthy

The data sovereignty remains with the customer at all times.


msg creates its own standard services that address the needs of large customer groups (e.g., electronic maternal health passport).

Optimally connected

msg creates specific connector services to relevant public data sources (Snomed CT, Loinc, Geo, IoT) as well as systems established in the market (Oscare, itsc 21n,

Well connected

On demand, msg creates specific (connector) services and provides consulting for the connection of systems during the development of services for the platform.


podcast radikal digital

Our patient and health data are particularly sensitive and require protection. Not least for this reason, the healthcare system faces high regulatory requirements when it comes to digitization, as data security and data sovereignty are of the utmost priority. How these prerequisites affect the pace of digitization, what challenges need to be overcome, and what significance the electronic health record (ePA) holds for the entire health system are topics discussed by msg board member Rolf Kranz and Sandra Hoyer, head of the care management projects team at Techniker Krankenkasse.

Shape the future of the healthcare industry with us!