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creating value for
Life Science & Chemicals

We know the challenges of your industry

The pressure on companies in the life science market to be innovative, to invest and to satisfy regulations is relentless. To ensure profitability and competitiveness in the long term, they must continuously optimize their processes, costs and compliance management.

At the same time, digitalization also holds new opportunities. Collaborations and cooperations in global value creation networks are a prime example. Not to mention the new prospects the integration of digital and mobile technologies, as well as the development of innovative multi-channel and customer-centricity concepts have opened up. The experts at the msg group help you make the most of these opportunities through sound strategic consulting and competent IT support. Build on our expertise.


Advancing Industry Leaders: msg industry advisors steigern die Leistungsfähigkeit von Unternehmen entlang der Wertschöpfungskette der produzierenden Industrie. Als Experten der msg-Gruppe für den Life Science & Healthcare Markt ist ihr Ziel erreicht, wenn sie ihre Kunden erfolgreicher gemacht haben.



  • Heraeus: Carve-out in Record Time: “We were able to complete a business-critical migration of an SAP environment as part of a company-wide reorganization in the regulatory environment and do so within the requested timeframe and with the necessary quality thanks to the support of msg – without any impairment of the product quality or patient security.”
  • Pfizer: Compliance Governance Excellence: “As part of a long-term collaboration with msg, we established a methodology for ensuring rule-compliance that is specifically tailored to Pfizer GmbH’s needs and are able to follow an approach of continuous improvement. Decisive for the success of these measures was the support we received from msg, especially the specialized business and method competence of the msg consultants we worked with. These process modifications allow us to ensure compliance with internal company instructions and local regulations. We were able to do so with optimized effort and the results were commended by Pfizer Global Security.”

msg News

msg viewpoints

The pharmaceutical industry must remain capable of acting in the event of cyber attacks. Stable business continuity management helps with this.

msg survey

To what extent is generative AI already being used in large German companies? What are the main use cases? msg conducted an online survey together with the market research institute INNOFACT - with exciting results.

Climate Stress Testing

Climate risks: difficult to calculate, but important for risk management. How can you assess something for which there is insufficient data?

msg news

msg is now part of the Independent Software Vendor Accelerate Program of AWS. Customers benefit from the co-selling initiative of msg and AWS on several levels.

Die kürzlich verabschiedete Instant-Paymen-Regulierung soll den Verbrauchern im SEPA-Raum mehr Sicherheit im Zahlungsverkehr ermöglichen. Eine zentrale Maßnahme ist Verification of Payee (VoP) – umgangssprachlich auch als „IBAN -Name Check“ bekannt. Obwohl der VoP-Prozess mit der Instant-Payment-Regulierung eingeführt wird, gilt er ab Oktober 2025 sowohl für Echtzeitüberweisungen als auch für die klassischen SEPA-Zahlungen.

msg news

msg consolidates its previous three business units in the automotive industry in Germany into the legal unit “msg for automotive gmbh”, a wholly owned subsidiary of msg systems.

In diesem Beitrag wird beleuchtet, inwiefern die aktuellen Marktentwicklungen die Steuerung des Zinsbuches beeinflussen und wie die ideale Benchmark für das vorhandene Zinsbuch definiert werden kann.

In unserem Newsletter „Aufsichtsrecht & Meldewesen“ haben wir für Sie aktuelle Veröffentlichungen verschiedener Aufsichtsinstanzen (EBA, EZB, BCBS, Bundesbank, BaFin, etc.) auf internationaler, europäischer und nationaler Ebene zusammengefasst und deren Auswirkungen bewertet.