Car manufacturers must record, report and verifiably reduce their emissions along the value chain in detail. You can find out how this can be achieved in this article.
Consistently anchoring ESG criteria is now far more than just fulfilling legal requirements. Their implementation has long been a decisive competitive factor.
Find out how to successfully implement the Taxonomy Regulation in your company and how to use the necessary changes as an opportunity.
Digital Twin, Sustainability
We consume too many resources. Within a year, our planet will no longer be able to sustainably replenish them.
Wie Unternehmen ihren CO2-Footprint ermitteln und CO2-Emissionen effektiv reduzieren können, erläutern wir in unserem Whitepaper.
Nachhaltigkeit wird in naher Zukunft als zentrales Leitmotiv im Finanzsystem verankert. Wie sieht die optimale Vorbereitung auf eine nachhaltige Zukunft in der Branche Banking aus?
The automotive and manufacturing industries in particular are encountering many stumbling blocks on the road to climate neutrality. It is crucial to establish and implement a clear strategy so that the sustainability transformation succeeds.