Auf der jährlich stattfindenden Data Governance Conference Europe und dem parallel stattfindenden Master Data Management Summit Europe in Londen treffen sich Data Governance und Master Data Management Experten. Im Rahmen der Konferenz und einer Ausstellung von Lösungsanbietern werden diverse Themen diskutiert, Daten- und Informationsqualität in all seinen Facetten gehört dazu.
Unser Beitrag:
IQ International: Your One-Stop-Shop for Data Quality Professionals
Come and hear about ongoing collaboration sponsored by IQ International to document industry specific data quality metrics. Working groups have been established to collect, analyse and document these metrics and by the time of the conference Christiana will be able to discuss some of the preliminary findings at this session. IQ International will be able to offer metrics for Finance, Manufacturing, Consulting, Banking and Healthcare. This will help organisations to:
- Enable faster DQ program implementation
- Ensure consistency of best practices across organisations
- Enable future benchmarking (comparison)
- Standardises communication within and between industries
IQ International (often referred to as ‘IQ Int’ for brevity) is the not-for-profit professional association for people passionate about improving Information Quality. IQI is focused on leadership in the IQ field through education, networking and solving data problems. IQ International offers: Peer Group Networking, Webinars, International Journal, A Knowledge Library, Professional Certification – IQCP credential and Working Groups (DQ Metrics). IQ International invites all data quality professionals to join and become part of a thought leadership community.
IQ International offers a one-stop-shop for all data quality professionals
International working groups elaborate a pool of industry specific data quality metrics
IQ International is looking for members with thought leadership ambitions and interest in joining the DQ metric working groups